Help creating
nutritional genius

In Laconian Legacy we strongly believe that nutrition and diet should be a lesson at school.
Diet places a key role in the structure of our body and affects directly the quality of energy that we give to it.
After all, the researchers around the globe agree that “we are what we eat”.

Education in nutrition and diet should start at early stage like alphabe, arithmetic and grammar.
Laconian Legacy is proud to sponsor the first cooking school for children in Greece the Kids Cooking Club that is a certified partner of Paideiatrofh- Prevention program of Children’s Obesity under the aegis of the Ministry of Health, Sports and Athletics.
This school is also the partner of Greece Chef’s Club, in order to create vital resources to our gastronomic culture.
Executive Chef Dominic Melas is the founder, adores children and constantly infuses Kids Cooking Club with new “touches” on food, cooking, nutrition, fun and psychosomatic health.