Our Terroir
Vatika village, Laconia.
Where Europe's
first olive oil
is extracted! (*)

Vatika territory is a true heaven for the cultivation of thew olive trees. Its microclimate, its balanced combination of sea breeze and mountain freshness, the precious "Athinolia" variety that grows only in Laconia, and the centuries-old know- how of generations of dedicated farmers all come together almsot magically. To provide the renowned "Vatika / Ag. Apostoli" premium low acidity extra virgin olive oil.

Our olive oil period starts very early, the fisrt days of October. And we have our unique olive oil juicy freshly squeezed, packed and ready for you to enjoy, before every other olive oil territory in Greece and Europe even starts harvesting.

(*) This is why we can clain that we are the first olive oil in Europe, every year. And have an other reason to be happy and proud, except our oliveoil top quality!